Assignemnt #56


                      /// Name: Holden Ganch
                      /// Period: 7
                      /// Program Name: fifty sixth Program
                      /// File Name:
                      /// Date Finished: 11/13/2015
                      import java.util.Random;
            import java.util.Scanner;
            public class Fortune
            	public static void main ( String[] args )
            		Random r = new Random();
                    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            		int x = 1 + r.nextInt(6);
            		String response = "";
                    if ( x == 1 )
                    System.out.println("Fortune cookie says: \"You will find some currency on the ground\"");
                    if ( x == 2 )
                    System.out.println("Fortune cookie says: \"You will win a random survey\"");
                    if ( x == 3 )
                     System.out.println("Fortune cookie says: \"Youare going to ace your next mental test\"");
                     if ( x == 4 )
                      System.out.println("Fortune cookie says: \"beware of stairs, you may fall down them today\"");
                      if ( x == 5 )
                       System.out.println("Fortune cookie says: \"Avoid your mom she is mad at you for some reason\"");
                    if ( x == 6 )
                     System.out.println("Fortune cookie says: \"Nothing to worry about, good vibes\"");
                     System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
                     System.out.print(" - " );
                     System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
                     System.out.print(" - " );
                     System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
                     System.out.print(" - " );
                     System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
                     System.out.print(" - " );
                     System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
                     System.out.print(" - " );
                     System.out.println( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );



Picture of the output

Assignment 56