Assignemnt #15


          /// Name: Holden Ganch
          /// Period: 7
          /// Program Name: fifteenth Program
          /// File Name:
          /// Date Finished: 9/15/2015

                public class UsingVariables
            public static void main( String[] args )
              int x, y;
              double minutes, distance;
              String firstName, race_name;
               x = 10;
               y = 3;
               minutes = 6;
               distance = 1760;
               firstName = "Holden";
               race_name = "mile run";
               System.out.println( firstName + "is competeing in a race called the " + race_name );
               System.out.println( "The distance of the mile is " + distance + " yards " );
               System.out.println( "He will finish the race in about " + minutes + " minutes." );
               System.out.println( "Everybody else's time is seven minutes or more." );
               System.out.println( "So he is very confident he will come in top " + y );


Picture of the output

Assignment 15