Assignemnt #12
/// Name: Holden Ganch
/// Period: 7
/// Program Name: twelfth Program
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 9/11/2015
public class VariablesAndNames
public static void main( String[] args )
int People, Hot_Dogs, ketchup_packets, average_ketchup_packet_per_Hot_Dog;
//i guess these show whats going to be a variable before inputing variables
People = 10;
Hot_Dogs = 10;
ketchup_packets = 5;
average_ketchup_packet_per_Hot_Dog = Hot_Dogs / ketchup_packets;
//this is where the varialbes are inserted and given a numeric vale and able to give it a math equation such as averages
System.out.println( "There are " + People + " people." );
System.out.println( "There are only " + Hot_Dogs + " hot dogs available." );
System.out.println( "There will be " + ketchup_packets + " ketchup packets." );
System.out.println( "We need to divide each packet so everybody gets some" );
System.out.println( "We need to divide each by " + average_ketchup_packet_per_Hot_Dog + " so evybody gets some." );
//insert the name of the variable and the numeric vaule will be given and or the math problem will be done and that number insterted
Picture of the output