Assignemnt #p1
/// Name: Holden Ganch
/// Period: 7
/// Program Name: First Project
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 11/3/2015
import java.util.Scanner;
class Longer{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String a, b, c;
System.out.println("Are you ready for the greatest thing ever?");
System.out.println("And so we begin in a meadow, to the right there is a pond, to the left is a stable, and behind you is a nice patch of green grass. Do you go (right or left or behind)");
System.out.print("> ");
a =;
if (a.equals("right"))
System.out.println("You go up to the pond and feel the nice warm water, do you get (in) or (drink)?");
System.out.print("> ");
b =;
if (b.equals("in"))
System.out.println("you go into the water and make a good choice as you were really stinky.You see your girl walking toward you Do you call her over to get in or go low in the water and hide?. (call or hide)");
System.out.print("> ");
c =;
if (c.equals("call"))
System.out.println("She is happily surpised seeing you and so you guys have a great time and she loves your valentines present.");
else if (c.equals("hide"))
System.out.println("you go eye level and she passes without seeing you, you then continue to relax and enjoy your time in the hot tub like pond.");
else if (b.equals("drink"))
System.out.println("You drink the water and see that it taste kind of funny do you keep drinking it or leave (continue or leave)");
System.out.print("> ");
c =;
if (c.equals("continue"))
System.out.println("You suck it up and realize that is is sewage water and through up.");
else if (c.equals("leave"))
System.out.println("You make a good decision and find 20$ on the ground and so you go and buy some Arizona ice tea ");
else if (a.equals("left"))
System.out.println("You go to the stable and see a barn. Do you go in and check it out or stay (in or stay)");
System.out.print("> ");
b =;
if (b.equals("in"))
System.out.println("You go in and see a orginized barn, do you look around or leave (look or leave)");
System.out.print("> ");
c =;
if (c.equals("look"))
System.out.println("You look around and see a unicorn and go for a fun ride.");
else if (c.equals("leave"))
System.out.println("You leave and are bummed as the door locks behind you becasue you here a horse neigh");
else if (b.equals("stay"))
System.out.println("You dont go into the barn and keep walking until you come to a bridge. do you walk across or jump off? (walk or jump)");
System.out.print("> ");
c =;
if (c.equals("walk"))
System.out.println("you walk across and go to the playground and get stuck in the swings where you stay for 3 years untill rescued.");
else if (c.equals("jump"))
System.out.println("you jump off the bridge and are inches from death untill you rembember you can fly and save your life soaring through the sky. you fly to the gym to get stong so you can be like superman.");
else if (a.equals("behind"))
System.out.println("You go to the patch of grass and notice a small hill, do you dig and see what it is or take a nap? (dig or nap)");
System.out.print("> ");
b =;
if (b.equals("dig"))
System.out.println("inside the hill you find a lever that leads to a underground elevator, do you go in or stay? (in or Stay)");
System.out.print("> ");
c =;
if (c.equals("in"))
System.out.println("You go down the elveator and it breaks and you plummet 6 stories, but your survive and find million sof dollars in diamonds and become the riches person in the world. ");
else if (c.equals("stay"))
System.out.println("You dont go in and are devestaded as you get burned alive by the napalm ");
else if (b.equals("nap"))
System.out.println("You take a nap and find out you can control your dream, do you get superpowers or do you just mess around. (superpowers or mess)");
System.out.print("> ");
c =;
if (c.equals("superpowers"))
System.out.println("you gain superpowers and go become a hero and get the girl of your dream.");
else if (c.equals("mess"))
System.out.println("You just totally have fun and mess around, real life GTA,V you hae a blast but sleep to long and sleep for 7 months living in your dream world.");
Picture of the output